First Display of its Kind as Oregon Displays Marijuana at The State Fair

Medical Marijuana Santa Barbara

Medical Marijuana Santa BarbaraThere will be 9 real – live weed plants in different stages of germination and vegetation displayed for the public to view from Friday the twenty sixth of August at the Oregon state fair in Salem. The Oregon Cannabis Business Council who ran an information stand at the fair last year with no complaints or objections will curate the exhibit. This is a chance for the local people and wider public who still have questions and concerns about the legalization of the substance to come and allay any fears that they may have.
There are no plans to expand the stall but there is hope to keep a permanent feature at the state fair for years to come. Current laws prohibit the display of flowering plants, which is more the shame, as some of the flowers are so intricate in design they almost look alien.

The exhibit will only be available to visitors able to prove they are over 21 – but will allow adults to see beyond the myth of the demon drug and see that this miracle herb is just a beautiful natural creation, which grows very much like the tomato plant. Basic needs must be met like sunlight or artificial light, the young plants need watering and then as they develop a differing mix of nutrients can be fed to the plant in order to exhibit different growth characteristics. It’s not rocket science.

People are using medical marijuana for the treatment of many different conditions these days and if one were interested in cultivating their own medical crop this exhibit gives a great insight into how the different stages of the plant develop, what type of equipment is required and how the herb looks as it grows through the differing stages of its early life.

People use medical marijuana for many different reasons. The stigma associated with the reefer madness has subsided somewhat in recent times. Tax revenue is up in states where the laws have been relaxed and the strain on the prison system will be easing up as a matter of course. Allowing this plant to be displayed to the public for the first time is truly a step forward for campaigners.

In November 2014 voters in Oregon recognized the value of using medical marijuana for recreational purposes as well as medical. Although it is still illegal to smoke pot recreationally in 46 states in the US, it is becoming undeniable that this natural product is much more than just a drug for hippies.

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